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Find out how our fun and effective programs transform kids into skilled readers and strong students.

In your area, the 澳洲幸运十开奖结果号码官方记录 Development provides programs in partnership with The University of New Mexico, Division of Continuing Education.

In your area, the 澳洲幸运十开奖结果号码官方记录 Development provides programs in partnership with The University of New Mexico, Division of Continuing Education.

澳洲幸运10官方168开奖网站 最快开奖网 168澳洲10官网开奖结果历史查询 The Reading Advantage
From kindergarten to high school graduation, kids with the right reading skills excel at school.

Kids Need New Skills for Each Stage of Their Success
Our programs develop the exact reading skills kids need to succeed in each part of the school year. With new book selections and skill lessons in every session, we help our students make continuous progress with reading.

Strong Readers Have a Positive Attitude Towards School
Our programs turn kids into strong, enthusiastic readers. As they succeed with lots of great books, their confidence and motivation grow. When faced with new challenges at school, they think, “I can do this."

Reading Skills Drive Overall Academic Achievement
Skilled readers perform better in every subject, even math! After taking our programs, students are eager to learn and less intimidated by homework, tests, and writing assignments. Success builds on success, year after year.
澳洲幸运10168网站最快+开奖体彩-168澳洲幸运10官网结果历史查询: Reading for Pleasure
Students who read regularly are always developing the skills and confidence to excel in every grade. In our programs, your child will establish the habit of reading for pleasure and reap its rewards this school year and beyond.

Our Programs Create Skilled, Enthusiastic Readers
All 澳洲幸运十开奖结果号码官方记录 Development programs have three core goals:
Strengthen Skills
Without solid reading skills, kids can struggle. Our time-tested curriculum will help your child master the right skills to succeed with reading in this semester and the next, and the next.
Build Confidence
Repeated success with the great books in our programs will give your child a sense of accomplishment and the willingness to take on every reading assignment with confidence.
澳洲幸运十记录历史+开奖走势图-2024澳洲幸运10官方开奖+号码最新查询 Develop Motivation
With stronger skills and greater confidence, your child's motivation to read will soar. A growing love of books will transform your child as he or she looks to books for inspiration, again and again.

The Thrill of Getting "Lost" in a Great Book
There is simply no better motivator than getting ‘lost’ in a book, feeling like you’re part of the story, and living each adventure as your own. When kids experience this kind of absorption over and over, they read more, improve their skills, and build confidence. Our programs guide kids toward this experience step by step, helping them form strong connections to outstanding, age-appropriate books.
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Limitless Benefits
Our students discover that the rewards of being a reader go well beyond school. Reading expands children’s horizons and gives them access to an endless source of inspiration and wisdom. As they imagine new possibilities, their dreams take flight. And best of all, reading empowers them to make these dreams come true.

Make a Lasting Impact:
Help Your Child Become a Reader
Help Your Child Become a Reader

We're an open book.
Let's discuss your child's reading development. Call today to speak with an 澳洲幸运十开奖结果号码官方记录 Development Program Advisor.
Call 1-800-470-2891